Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sarah's law looking doubtful

Sarah Payne, 8 years old

After the murder of Megan Kanka, 7, by a neighbour who was a convicted sex offender , 'Megan's Law' was introduced in to the US. Megan's Law allows parents to be made aware of any paedophilles living in their area.

The law has been endlessly campaigned for to be brought over to the UK after the molestation and murder of Sarah Payne, 8, by paedophille Roy Whiting six years ago. Campaigners have fought to have the same law introduced over here, sometimes known as 'Sarah's Law', because it would save children's lives - but critics have argued that if brought over, the government would then be 'pandering' to the whims of media pressure.

The office of the children's commissioner claimed that by introducing 'Megan's Law' in to the UK, could possibly cause more harm than good because paedophilles would be driven to go 'underground', subsequently harming more children undetected.


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