Thursday, July 20, 2006

Contraceptives for children

Shocking news today as it emerges that condoms will now go on sale for thirteen year old children. Germany was the first country to start selling the contraceptive yesterday and now Durex are contemplating whether to start selling them in the UK next year, sparking outrage across the country.

The updated version is 49mm wide instead of 52mm of the original condom and is made so that it is easier to put on, ideal for younger people with little experience.

Campaigners who are furious of Durex's plans, fear that the sale of the updated version of the condoms could lead to even more under age sex as youths under the age limit could see it as a green light to have under age sex.

A spokesman for Durex stated yesterday, "It is aimed at youths between 13 and 16, where a not insignificant number engage in unprotected sex. The average British teens first have sex at 15, and we have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe".

Durex's launch of the product was described as, 'sick and irresponsible', by Matthew O' Gorman of LIFE, a Christian charity. He also stated, "We know that teenagers engage in risky behaviour. If it's messing around on roads or taking drugs, we teach them not to because it's bad for them. But when it comes to sex, we do the opposite by throwing condoms at the problem".

Although condoms reduce the risk of pregnancy dramatically, they are, however, not a 100% fail proof and do not provide adequate protection against sexually transmitted infections or diseases.

The Family Planning Association, are pleased about the launch and stated yesterday, "All initiatives that promote young people to have safe sex should be encouraged".


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